GHD | Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Ltd | 12552081 | Waihi North 72 . Figure 4.2 NRS proposed location and greatest extent during operation (Mitchell Daysh, 2022) 4.1.3 Potential influences on groundwater and surface water In addition to the rock stack, the proposed NRS will include a number of soil stockpiles and a collection pond (Figure 4.2) within a catchment contributing surface water and groundwater to the Ohinemuri River. Assessment of potential effects on groundwater and surface water has focused on the potential for the proposed NRS to influence: – Groundwater levels and baseflow to the Ohinemuri River during operation and after closure. – Groundwater and river water quality resulting from leachate seepage from the NRS, and the extent to which this may be mitigated by a liner and engineered sub-soil drainage. 4.2 Local geology The regional geology is presented in Section 2.3. Cross sections of the geology for the NRS area are presented in Figure 4.3 and Figure 4.4. A detailed description of the geology is provided in EGL NRS Geotechnical Factual Report (GFR; EGL, 2019a).