GHD | Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Ltd | 12552081 | Waihi North 30 . Figure 3.2 GOP footprint and site layout (Mitchell Daysh, 2022) 3.1.3 Potential influences on groundwater and surface water Assessment of potential effects on groundwater and surface water has focused on the proposed GOP and TSF to influence: – Shallow and deep groundwater levels and baseflow to surface water during excavation and dewatering of the GOP, including: The Gladstone Wetland and the intermittent Ohinemuri tributary at TB4, south of the pit. The intermittent Ohinemuri tributary at TB5, northwest of the pit. The Ohinemuri River. – Water quality, shallow and deep groundwater levels and changes to surface water baseflow during the following phases of the TSF: Operational TSF TSF closure Long-term TSF