GHD | Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Ltd | 12552081 | Waihi North 27 . 3. Gladstone Open Pit and Tailings Storage Facility 3.1 Site overview 3.1.1 General site setting The Gladstone site location is located on Gladstone and Winner Hill, and between Union Hill and Black Hill (Figure 3.1). Land use currently comprises rolling farmland / pasture with a small pine plantation present on both Winner and Gladstone Hills. The Ohinemuri River is located southwest of the proposed GOP and GOP TSF (referred to as “TSF” throughout the remainder of Section 3). Farmland on the river flood plain and western flanks of Winner Hill separate the proposed pit from the river. A tributary of the Ohinemuri River is present at the southern extent of the proposed Gladstone Pit. The tributary comprises two watercourses that feed a small wetland at the foot of the valley. The watercourses, up to approximately 200 m in length, flow in a relatively steep grade down the hillside. The watercourses upgradient of the Gladstone Wetland are intermittent, with no measurable baseflow during dry summer periods, but the area remains generally damp. Water discharged from the wetland flows to the southwest, with the tributary continuing its path through monitoring site TB4, and discharges to the Ohinemuri River (Figure 3.1). Northwest of the proposed pit is a small valley which hosts an intermittent watercourse that discharges to the Ohinemuri River downstream of monitoring site TB5 (Figure 3.1). The watercourse is known to be dry for much of the year however provides drainage for stormwater from the surrounding catchment following high intensity rainfall events.