Supporting Technical Assessments

GHD | Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Ltd | 12552081 | Waihi North 17 . 2. Background and environmental setting 2.1 General setting The site is located within the foothills of the Coromandel Range. The wider WNP is proposed both to the north and south of the Waihi Township. To the southeast of Waihi, the landscape undergoes a transition into primary production lowlands adjoining the foothills of the Coromandel Range. This area is generally flat to gently undulating and comprises of pasture, shelter belts, clumps of exotic trees, horticultural lots, hedges and glasshouses. A series of steep dome-shaped volcanic hills extend to the east of Waihi and are shown within the context of existing site features in Figure 2.1; these include the vegetated forms of Union Hill, Gladstone Hill, Winner Hill and Black Hill The WRS site setting is shown in Figure 2.2. The average annual rainfall adopted for this assessment is 2,110 mm/year (NIWA, 2019). Figure 2.1 Key geographic features of the southern WNP site