GHD | Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Ltd | 12552081 | Waihi North 10 . Glossary Term Definition Drains For different definitions, refer to either: Sub-soil Drains, Leachate Drains, TSF drainage system GHD GHD Limited (the author) GOP Gladstone Open Pit mine Leachate drains Leachate drains are placed on top of the Zone A earth liner MOP4 Refer to Martha Phase 4 pit mRL Throughout this document, the elevations are provided in metres reduced level, with reference to Waihi Mine datum. Note: the mine datum is 1,000 metres below sea level. NAF Non-acid forming materials sourced from rock. NRS Northern Rock Stack. A new rock stack at the Northern Stockpile area, adjacent to the existing TSF2, which will receive rock from the proposed Gladstone Open Pit. NSPSP Northern stockpile silt pond OGNZL Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Ltd (the client) PAF Potentially acid forming materials sourced from mine rock Project Martha Project Martha comprises two parts – the Martha Underground and the Martha North Wall (Martha Pit Phase 4 (MOP4)), a consented mining operation at Waihi beneath the existing open Martha pit and including remedying the north wall failure in the pit. Separate from WNP, but incorporated into the OGNZL Life of Mine Plan. RWQC Receiving water quality criteria (as per original consent conditions) Sub-soil drains Sub-soil drains include sub-soil drains, upstream cut-off, initial toe drain and downstream toe drain. The drains are installed in the in-situ ground beneath Zone A, a low permeability layer constructed under placed rock and tailings storage facilities GOP TSF Tailings storage facility within Gladstone Open Pit (converted to TSF on closure) TSF3 Tailings Storage Facility 3. A new tailings storage facility to the east of existing TSF1A, which will receive rock and tailings from the proposed Gladstone Open Pit. GOP TSF drainage system Drainage system located beneath the geosynthetic liner at the base of the tailings in the Gladstone Open Pit TSF Waihi North Project (WNP) Proposed project that is the subject of this report. WNP will comprise the Wharekirauponga underground mine and associated surface facilities, Gladstone open pit, upgraded process plant, the Northern Rock Stack and TSF3. These components are linked and interact with each other to varying degrees as well as with the current Life of Mine Plan. WRS Willows Rock Stack WTP Water treatment plant WUG Wharekirauponga Underground Mine ZOI Zone of influence. This is defined in this assessment as the area nearest the proposed activity where groundwater level drawdown is greater than 0.5 m. This is adopted as the expected measurable range outside of seasonal fluctuations.