Supporting Technical Assessments

GHD | Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Ltd | 12552081 | Waihi North ix Figure 5.14 Predicted groundwater level drawdown beneath TSF1A (SEEP/W Cross-Section 2 and Theis, 1935) 113 Figure 5.15 Groundwater flow paths for the key TSF3 scenarios 115 Figure 5.16 Collection ponds S6 and S7 (EGL 2021 DWG 0513) 116 Figure 5.17 TSF3 dewatering zone of influence 119 Figure 6.1 Willows Rock Stack and Holding Pond (in foreground) (Mitchell Daysh, 2022) 129 Figure 6.2 WRS Geological section (from GHD, 2020 (refer to Appendix C of Golder/WSP 2022b)) (elevations in m asl) 130 Figure 6.3 The WRS gully stream (left: lower Tributary 2 near Mataura Stream confluence; right: 150 m upstream) (WSP, 2021a) 130 Figure 6.4 Mataura Stream water quality sampling locations 131 Figure 6.5 West – East Conceptual cross section (from GWS, 2022a). 134 Figure 6.6 Groundwater monitoring well locations, interpreted piezometric contours (sourced from GWS, 2022a) with seeps interpreted by GHD from WSP (2021) 135 Figure 6.7 WRS surface water and groundwater takes 137 Figure 6.8 Approximate location of SEEP/W WRS cross-section 139 Figure 6.9 WRS SEEP/W Cross-section 140 Figure 6.10 Groundwater level mounding of deeper aquifer (andesite)* for 50% recharge scenario 141 Appendices Appendix A Site Investigation Methodology Appendix B Borehole Data Appendix C Groundwater Level Data Appendix D Permeability Analyses Appendix E Water Quality Appendix F Surface Water Flow Data Appendix G Gladstone Pit Technical Assessment Appendix H NRS Technical Assessment Appendix I TSF3 Technical assessment Appendix J Wharekirauponga WRS Technical Assessment Appendix K Water Resource Users