Supporting Technical Assessments

GHD | Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Ltd | 12552081 | Waihi North v Contents Glossary 10 1. Introduction 11 1.1 Background 11 1.2 Purpose of this report 14 1.3 Scope 15 1.4 Report structure 15 1.5 Limitations 16 2. Background and environmental setting 17 2.1 General setting 17 2.2 Surface water 18 2.3 Regional geology 19 2.4 Groundwater 21 2.5 Water resource users 23 2.6 Performance of existing TSFs 23 2.7 Proposed construction materials 25 2.8 Climate Change 26 3. Gladstone Open Pit and Tailings Storage Facility 27 3.1 Site overview 27 3.2 Local geology 31 3.3 Conceptual groundwater model (Gladstone CGM) 32 3.4 Gladstone Open Pit and Tailings Storage Facility assessment methodology 46 3.5 GOP excavation analysis results 47 3.6 Gladstone TSF analysis results 55 3.7 Gladstone effects summary and discussion 64 4. Northern Rock Stack 70 4.1 Site overview 70 4.2 Local geology 72 4.3 Conceptual groundwater model (NRS CGM) 75 4.4 NRS assessment methodology 81 4.5 NRS assessment results 82 4.6 NRS potential effects summary and discussion 89 5. Tailings Storage Facility Three 93 5.1 Site overview 93 5.2 Local geology 97 5.3 Conceptual groundwater model (TSF3 CGM) 101 5.4 TSF3 assessment 109 5.5 TSF3 analysis results 110 5.6 TSF3 effects summary and discussion 117 6. Willows Rock Stack 128 6.1 Site overview 128 6.2 Conceptual groundwater model 129