Supporting Technical Assessments

FINAL RESIDUAL SOIL - ALLOPHANE CLAY some sand and gravel; brownish red mottled grey. Very stiff; moist; high plasticity; sand, fine to coarse; gravel, fine, subangular to subrounded (continued from layer starting at 9.7m ) 10.80 becomes very stiff Silty GRAVEL with some boulders; brownish grey. Medium dense; moist; gravel, fine to coarse, subangular to subrounded; boulders, slightly weathered, strong porphyritic andesite (possible colluvium) Silty CLAY some sand and minor gravel; greyish brown mottled orange. Very stiff; moist; high plasticity; sand, fine; gravel, fine, subangular to subrounded andesite End of Hole @ 15.45m, Target Depth 11.6 12.7 VSt MD VSt M M HQTT SPT HQTT HQTT SPT HQTT SPT HQTT SPT SPT 0/3 2/7 4/4 N = 17 SPT 2/1 4/5 5/4 N = 18 SPT 2/3 3/5 5/6 N = 19 SPT 2/2 4/4 5/5 N = 18 TCR: 100 TCR: 100 TCR: 100 TCR: 100 TCR: 100 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Geological Unit Material Description Instrumentation Installation Commenced: 3/11/2020 Easting: 2763793.36 Hole No. : WFBH015 Completed: 5/11/2020 Sheet : 2 of 2 Hole Length : 15.45 Project : WKP Exploration Tunnel - Ground Investigation Client : Oceana Gold Corporation / GWS / Golder Job Number: 12533958 Processed : HJ System: NZMG 1949 Northing: 6423716.988 Checked : JHS Datum: NZVD2016 Logged : HJ Site : Willows Farm, Waihi North, Scale @ A4 : 1:50 Method: SURVEY RL: 165.86 m Water level Notes and Comments: Refer to explanation sheets for abbreviation and symbols. Shear Vane values are corrected. Ground Water Level Time Date Reading Hole depth (mbgl) (mbgl) Equipment: Tractor Rig (83) Orientation: Inclination: Vertical 04/11/20 07:00 2 4.8 05/11/20 07:00 5 12.3 05/11/20 14:00 5.7 15.45 End of Hole @ 15.45m Hardstand Area No water return information Contractor: Alton Drilling Limited Depth (m) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 RL (m) 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 Graphic Report ID: GENERAL_LOG-BK1 || Project: WILLOWS FARM BHS.GPJ || Library: GHD - NZGD.GLB || Date: 10 May 2021 Weathering Flush Return (%) 25 50 75 Consistency / Relative Density Moisture condition Casing Method Result Sample Number / Type Estimated Strength (MPa) Defect Spacing (mm) EW VW W MS VS ES 20 60 200 600 2000 TCR SCR RQD (%)