FINAL RESIDUAL SOIL OF WAIPUPU FORMATION COLLUVIUM SILT, some sand; dark brown. Very soft, moist, low plasticity, trace rootlets. Sand: fine to medium. (TOPSOIL) Silty CLAY with some sand; orangish brown mottled grey and black. Very soft; moist; high plasticity; sand, fine to medium (RESIDUAL SOIL OF WAIPUPU FORMATION) CORE LOSS Silty CLAY with some sand; orangish brown mottled grey and black. Soft; moist; high plasticity; sand, fine to medium CORE LOSS Silty CLAY with some sand; orangish brown mottled grey and black. Soft; moist; high plasticity; sand, fine to medium CORE LOSS CLAY with some silt and sand; orangish brown mottled grey and black. Soft; moist; high plasticity; sand fine to medium Sandy CLAY with some gravel; grey. Very soft; moist; high plasticity; some organics; sand, fine to coarse; gravel, fine, subangular to subrounded 4.50 - 4.60 Peat; black; firm; fibrous Silty CLAY with minor sand; grey. Very soft; moist; high plasticity; some organics; sand, fine to medium Silty CLAY with some sand; grey. Very soft; moist; high plasticity; sand, fine to medium 6.45 - 6.70 Peat; black; firm; fibrous Sandy silty CLAY; grey. Soft; moist; moderate plasticity; trace organics; sand, fine to coarse Silty GRAVEL with some cobbles; grey and brown. Medium dense; moist; gravel, fine to coarse, sub angular to sub rounded moderately to slightly weathered, moderately strong, porphyritic andesite. Silt matrix possibly washed out during drilling (possible COLLUVIUM) CORE LOSS Silty GRAVEL with some cobbles; grey and brown. Medium dense; wet; gravel, fine to coarse, subangular to subrounded moderately weathered andesite; matrix supported Completely weathered; grey; massive; porphyritic ANDESITE; extremely weak with clay altered phenocrysts; argilic alteration; calcite, pyrite and hematite alteration (WAIPUPU FORMATION) 3-09-2020 0.2 0 0.9 0.7 1.51.4 1.95 2.5 3 4.6 6 7 7.4 8.05 8.5 9 CW VS VS VS S S VS VS VS S MD MD M M M M M M M M M M W HQTT HQTT SPT HQTT SPT HQTT SPT HQTT SPT HQTT SPT HQTT SPT HQTT SPT 1/1 1/1 1/1 N = 4 SPT 1/0 0/0 0/0 N = 0 SPT 1/1 0/1 0/0 N = 1 SPT 0/1 1/0 0/0 N = 1 SPT 2/1 5/4 4/7 N = 20 SPT 6/8 5/6 7/7 N = 25 TCR: 100 TCR: 83 TCR: 52 TCR: 100 TCR: 100 TCR: 100 TCR: 61 TCR: 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Geological Unit Material Description Instrumentation Installation Commenced: 11/09/2020 Easting: 2762593.666 Hole No. : WFBH013 Completed: 15/09/2020 Sheet : 1 of 2 Hole Length : 16.85 Project : WKP Exploration Tunnel - Ground Investigation Client : Oceana Gold Corporation / GWS / Golder Job Number: 12533958 Processed : HJ System: NZMG 1949 Northing: 6424370.633 Checked : JHS Datum: NZVD2016 Logged : HJ Site : Willows Farm, Waihi North, Scale @ A4 : 1:50 Method: SURVEY RL: 205.2 m Water level Notes and Comments: Refer to explanation sheets for abbreviation and symbols. Shear Vane values are corrected. Ground Water Level Time Date Reading Hole depth (mbgl) (mbgl) Equipment: Tractor Rig, (Rig 83) Orientation: Inclination: Vertical 03/09/20 08:00 3.12 16.85 End of Hole @ 16.85m Mataura Stream Piezo No water return information Contractor: Alton Drilling Ltd SPT ETR: 81% Depth (m) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RL (m) 205 204 203 202 201 200 199 198 197 196 Graphic Report ID: GENERAL_LOG-BK1 || Project: WILLOWS FARM BHS.GPJ || Library: GHD - NZGD.GLB || Date: 10 May 2021 Weathering Flush Return (%) 25 50 75 Consistency / Relative Density Moisture condition Casing Method Result Sample Number / Type Estimated Strength (MPa) Defect Spacing (mm) EW VW W MS VS ES 20 60 200 600 2000 TCR SCR RQD (%) TOPSOIL