Supporting Technical Assessments

GHD | Oceana Gold New Zealand Ltd. | 12552081 | Waihi North Project 28 There is no predicted measurable change in the natural flow regime and water quality in the Wharekirauponga Stream, Adams Stream, Teawaotemutu Stream, Edmonds Stream or Thompson Stream, except for those changes due to the loss of the the warm spring located at map reference (S37.294100, E175.823987) as a result of WUG dewatering (GWS, 2022). Numerical groundwater modelling currently being undertaken will further inform these predicted changes. It is recommended that the current surface water monitoring is maintained and expanded to further develop the baseline dataset, enable compliance monitoring, and enable the development of trigger levels and during mining. Specific recommendations are outlined in Appendix B. Figure 15 Approximate locations of permanent monitoring locations