19 | P a g e Class 1 Storage Location Assessment_Oceana Gold NZ Ltd Wharekirauponga Underground Mine Terms and Definitions Area of high intensity land use - in relation to an area beyond the boundary of a place where a hazardous substance location is situated, includes an area of regular habitation , any other hazardous substance location, and a high-density traffic route. AS 2187.1 – Australian Standard 2187.1-1998, Explosives – Storage, Transport and Use – Storage’. A.N (Ammonium Nitrate) - Class 5 substance used in manufacture of bulk commercial explosives. Certified Handler – Person authorised by Worksafe NZ to handle explosives. Compliance Certifier – Independent person authorised by Worksafe NZ, to certify among other items - hazardous substance locations and storage containers to ensure compliance with the New Zealand Regulatory Framework. CID (Chamber Interval Distance) – The distance between each magazine chamber consisting of solid unmined material. Compliance Certificate (Location) – a certificate issued under ‘ HSW (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017 ‘to allow storage of specific hazardous substances at a location. Controlled Zone - An area abutting a hazardous substance location that is regulated. E.P (Emulsion Phase) - Emulsion solution made from A.N used as a base for commercial bulk explosives. E.R.P (Emergency Response Plan) – A detailed plan at a work site detailing actions for all personnel and effected parties in the event of an emergency. E.S (Exposed Site) - Relates to an exposed site in respect of a storage location (Inhabited building). F.A.R (Fresh Air Return) – Forms part of Underground tunnel/ mine ventilation system. HSW (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017 – primary governing regulations for hazardous substances. HSW meaning ‘ Health and Safety at Work’. HSWA (Health and Safety at Work Act 2015) – Over-arching legislation that derives Health and Safety Regulations. H.E (High Explosives) - Relates to commercial explosive products such as boosters, detonating cord, and packaged emulsions and are generally considered the ‘secondary’ explosive. I.E (Initiating Explosives) - Relates products such as detonators used for initiation of secondary explosive. I.B.D (Inhabited building distance) – distance to a residential dwelling. I.M.D – (Inter-magazine distance) - Distance between individual magazine units storing class 1 substances. (Distance may be reduced with addition of appropriate mounding or barrier wall). kPa (Kilopascals) – A unit of pressure used as a reference to determine potential harm/ damage criteria. Magazine – Reference to storage container/ chamber used for securing for class 1 substances. N.E.Q (Net Explosive Quantity). Used to evaluate the total net explosive quantity (kg) excluding packaging. Offsets – a known separation distance required by regulations in order to comply – usually referring to the distance between a hazardous substance to people, places, infrastructure or specific features. Overpressure – relates to higher than standard atmospheric pressure relating to the effects on personnel and or buildings/ infrastructure. Measured in ‘kilopascals’ (kPa). P.B.D (Process Building Distance) – Distance from a building manufacturing class 1 substances. P.E.S (Potential Explosion Site) – Site that may detonate (Magazine facility).