Supporting Technical Assessments

GHD | Oceana Gold New Zealand Ltd. | 12552081 | Waihi North Project 23 3 HYDROLOGICAL AND CLIMATIC DATA 3.1 Rainfall 3.1.1 Mataura Stream and Wharekirauponga Stream catchments For both the Mataura catchment in the vicinity of the proposed Willows portal and infrastructure development and the upper Wharekirauponga catchment area above the Wharekirauponga orebody, surface water and flood modelling have utilised rainfall data from the Golden Cross rainfall gauge (NZTM 1846987, 5865767- the location of the Golden Cross gauge is shown on Figure 1). Its location within the steeper, more elevated area of the Coromandel Range is thought to better represent rainfall falling in the WSFA. This rainfall gauge includes records from 1991 to present. Table 7 provides a summary of annual rainfall data and Figure 10 shows annual rainfall depths measured over time. Table 7 Golden Cross Annual Rainfall Condition Annual Rainfall (mm) Year Mean 2564 - Minimum 1833 1994 Maximum 3387 2001 Figure 10 Annual Measured Rainfall Depths for Golden Cross The annual measured rainfall at Golden Cross is on average roughly 30% more than that recorded at Waihi where the records coincide. 3.1.2 Waihi Operations A rain gauge has been in operation in Waihi since 1907. The location of the current Waihi Town rain gauge is shown on Figure 11 (Labelled ‘Met station’). Table 8 provides a summary of annual rainfall data and Figure 12 shows annual rainfall depths measured over time.