Supporting Technical Assessments

17 | P a g e Class 1 Storage Location Assessment_Oceana Gold NZ Ltd Wharekirauponga Underground Mine • Fire suppression systems ( also refer AS 2187.1 ). • Appropriate lighting (intrinsically safe). • Ventilation. Additional obligations relating to facility administration and OGNZL site personnel working with class 1 substances are addressed in ‘Parts 1-8, HSW (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017’. 7 Location Compliance and Magazine Certification Requirements Within ‘r.6.23 and r.9.26’ of the ‘ Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017’, there is a requirement for annual certification of a site containing certain quantities of hazardous substances. The proposed facility falls into that category and will require such certification. The underground storage facility would be considered a new and separate storage location from all other certified class 1 storage facilities at the Waihi Gold operations. It will be assessed and certified separately against specific regulatory requirements. Annual ‘Location Certification’ is a requirement of all class 1 storage facilities of this nature. An inspection will be carried out prior to initial Certification to ensure regulatory compliance. In addition to the compliance certification process, notification shall be given to Worksafe New Zealand in accordance with ‘ r 9.22 (4) of HSW (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017’. This notice must be provided at least 30 working days prior to the commissioning of the hazardous substance storage facility. 8 Conclusion and Summary In respect of controlled zones within OGNZL owned land (Sites P0 and P1), and based upon the current WUG design, the proposed concept for the class 1 storage facility is considered compliant with the controlled zone offset requirements described in ’ r 9.27, HSW (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017’ . Potential effects on site personnel within OGNZL owned land can be managed with the development of an effective site-specific ERP. Proposed site infrastructure within OGNZL owned land is not affected by identified controlled zones. Consideration should be given to future infrastructure development on OGNZL land that may be located in proximity to proposed surface connections. 13 kPa controlled zones surrounding sites P2, P3 and P4, relating to members of the public within public areas such as, DOC Forest Reserve or HDC paper road, have been considered. Based upon the proposed perimeter fenced area of these surface connections, the proposed magazine will be developed to comply with the controlled zone offset requirements by optimising vent shaft diameters and magazine capacity. The relationship between ventilation-shaft controlled zones and the public exclusion zone will determine final design considerations in relation to the class 1 storage facility. There is currently no public infrastructure existing within the DOC Reserve or HDC paper road areas surrounding the sites or the associated controlled zones. The identified areas are unlikely to have any infrastructure development in future. Due to a very low expected over pressure output, combined with the complex nature of the underground mine tunnel system, it is deemed highly unlikely that any ejection of material at surface portals/ ventilation shafts other than minor dust and small non-hazardous matter would occur. The operation of underground class 1 storage magazines is common practice throughout global mining operations. The proposed storage volumes would be considered relatively low when compared