Supporting Technical Assessments

13 Figure 7: Cross-section of a T-bar used in a decanting earth bund. 3.5. Chemical Treatment The Chemical Treatment Management Plan (CTMP) provided as Appendix A of the Erosion and Sediment Control Assessment Report provides the methodology for determining the effectiveness and dose rates for chemical treatment to enhance the sediment retention efficiency of sediment retention ponds, decanting earth bunds and other water impoundment devices that will be used throughout the project. It is intended that all SRPs will be chemically treated if necessary and monitored in accordance with the CTMP While the Collection Pond and Detention Pond service their respective areas during the enabling earthworks (Non Acid Forming soils) chemical treatment will likely be employed. Once the Surface Facilities earthworks are complete the area will be stabilised, and chemical treatment removed for the Detention Pond. Once the mining operations commence PAF water will report to the Collection Pond and pumped to the Water Treatment Plant. 3.6. Silt Fences and Super Silt Fences Silt fences or Super Silt Fences may be used to capture runoff from small areas that cannot actively drain to a SRP or DEB. Silt fences will be installed below the footprint of all SRPs to capture any runoff during the construction phase of these devices. Once the device is constructed then the silt fence will need to be returned up either side of the emergency spillway or removed.