Supporting Technical Assessments

4 This SSESCP has been prepared in accordance with Waikato Regional Council Technical Report No. 2009/02 Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines for Soil Disturbing Activities, January 2009 (TR2009/02) and addresses the following earthwork activities: • Establishment of the erosion and sediment controls; • Construction of the permanent uphill clean water diversion drain and haul road; • Realignment of 310m of Ruahorehore Stream to allow for the construction of the Collection Ponds. • General earthworks; and • Rehabilitation, landscaping, and stabilisation. The ESC measures will be used during the ‘enabling works’ phase which does not include mining or management of potentially acid forming (PAF) material. PAF contact water will be pumped to the Water Treatment Facility. 2. DESCRIPTION OF WORKS The total footprint of TSF3 is approximately 115ha. Of this area 20ha is already part of the existing footprint of TSF1A and East Stockpile. The new proposed footprint of TSF3 is therefore 95ha. The earthworks areas associated with TSF3 are provided in Table 1. Note, these figures do not add up due to the overlap of multiple earthworks areas and activities. Table 1: Approximate earthworks footprint associated with the TSF3. ID Area (ha) TSF3 construction 80.0 Paleo Undercut 2.9 Collection Pond 5.5 Stockpile 1 and 2 17 East Gully Fill 2.8 Permanent uphill diversion drain and perimeter access road 6.0 Total 95.0 The construction sequence and methodology are described in the Engineers Report, in summary this includes: - Clearing of existing vegetation and structures (farm sheds, races, fences etc). - Progressively establish erosion and sediment control measures. - Establish stockpiles. - Topsoil stripping. Topsoil stripping will be required over an area of approximately 80ha. Topsoil will be stockpiled preferentially in the smaller west and east TSF3 stockpiles. - Undertake paleo gully undercut. - Commence construction of TSF3 impoundment area and embankment. Both NAF and PAF material will be used through the construction of TSF3.