Supporting Technical Assessments

3 1. OVERVIEW 1.1. Scope This Site Specific Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (SSESCP) relates to the activities associated with the construction of a new Tailings Storage Facility (TSF3). TSF3 will be constructed to the east of the existing TSF1A to accommodate additional tailings volume from the processing of ore. The proposed crest height for the embankment is RL155, forming a 46m high embankment above the existing ground at the downstream toe (RL109). The RL155 crest height provides a total storage volume of approximately 7,000,000m3. TSF3 will occupy land currently used for as a dairy farm and vegetated with pastural grasses, scattered trees, and shelterbelts. The footprint of TSF3 will require topsoil and subsoil to be progressively stripped from the area, including several unnamed stream beds and drains. The layout of TSF3 to RL155 is shown in Figure 1. This figure also includes the proposed stockpiling areas and alignment of the permanent uphill diversion drain. Figure 1: TSF3 location and associated infrastructure (Source: OceanaGold). This SSESCP provides design erosion and sediment control (ESC) measures indicating how the site will manage sediment laden runoff during the preparatory earthwork activities. This document should be read in conjunction with the Assessment of Environmental Effects, prepared by Mitchell Daysh and Tailings Storage and Rock Disposal Volume 3 Proposed Tailings Storage Facility Storage 3 RL155, Technical Report, prepared by Engineering Geology Limited (Engineers Report) that have been prepared for the application.