Supporting Technical Assessments

REV DATE REVISION DETAILS APPROVED 0 03.02.22 Draft for review Project WAIHI NORTH Title Erosion & Sediment Control Plan Northern Rock Stack – Stage 1 Drawn ZW Checked MP Drawing No. ESCP-NRS-001-03 Sheet No. 3 NOTES 1. All erosion and sediment controls will be installed and maintained in accordance with the Waikato Regional Council Technical Report 2009/02 ‘Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines for Soil Disturbing Activities’ (TR2009/02). 2. Completed areas to be stabilised in accordance with TR2009/02. 3. All erosion and sediment control measures will be inspected on a daily basis by the site foreman. 4. Site monitoring will be undertaken before and immediately after rain as well as during heavy rainfall events. Any required maintenance or improvements to control measures will be undertaken immediately. SRP-NRS-05 Catchment area: 5.0ha Total volume: 1,000m3 Dead storage: 250m3 Live storage: 750m3 Refer to specific SRPNRS-05 design details. Construction Methodology - Initially a silt fence will be installed below the footprint of SRP-NRS-05. The SRP will then be constructed at the approximate location shown. - Perimeter bunding will be constructed (likely topsoil) and stabilised on the external ‘clean’ side of the bunds to direct runoff to the SRP for treatment. - Earthworks will then commence to construct the new Collection Pond. Existing haul roads will be used. Overland runoff to the SRP will generally be limited to the external batters of the Collection Pond. - Any dirty water impounded within the Collection Pond will be pumped to the SRP for treatment. - Once the Collection Pond is commissioned, the SRP will be decommissioned and the NRS area is then able to receive PAF. KEY Erosion and Sediment Control Clean Water Diversion Dirty Water Diversion Culvert Silt Fence Sediment Retention Pond