Supporting Technical Assessments

be provided to the Waikato Regional Council for certification prior to the commencement of earthworks. The Dewatering Management Plan will identify activities that will require dewatering/pumping as well as the procedures involved, monitoring and maintenance requirements and record keeping. 3.10. General Prior to bulk earthworks commencing as-builts for the erosion and sediment controls will be provided to the Waikato Regional Council. The as-built certification will confirm that the controls have been constructed in accordance with the approved SSESCP. This SSESCP is intended to be a live document and if the earthworks methodologies or erosion and sediment control measures for the anticipated work changes then an update / review of the SSESCP drawings will be made before the earthworks commence. Any changes to the SSESCP will be confirmed in writing and provided to the Council for approval, prior to the implantation of any changes proposed. 3.11. Monitoring and Maintenance All erosion and sediment control measures will be maintained in accordance with TR2009/02 throughout the works until the site is stabilised against erosion. All erosion and sediment control measures and methodologies will be monitored during the works in accordance with the Erosion and Sediment Control Monitoring Plan (ESCMP). Monitoring will be undertaken at least weekly, and before and immediately after rain events as well as during heavy rainfall events. Any required maintenance or improvements to control measures will be undertaken immediately. Sediment deposits and bulges against the silt fences will be removed when sediment accumulation reaches 20% of the fabric height. The SRPs will be cleaned out before accumulated sediment volume reaches 20% of the total volume. Forebays will be cleaned out if there is any evidence of sediment deposition.