Supporting Technical Assessments

3. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS The erosion and sediment control methodology has been designed in accordance with best practice and the principles outlined in TR2009/02. Specific erosion and sediment control calculations and drawings can be found within the appendices. Appendix A – Erosion and sediment control calculations and typical details. Appendix B – Erosion and sediment control drawings: ESCP-NRS-001-01 ESCP-NRS-001-02 ESCP-NRS-001-03 ESCP-NRS-002-01 ESCP-NRS-002-02 ESCP-NRS-002-03 ESCP-NRS-003-01 3.1. Clean Water Diversions Perimeter bunding will be used, as required, to divert areas of clean water away from the site. The perimeter bunds will generally be constructed using stripped topsoil and will be stabilised immediately following construction. TR2009/02 recommends that clean water diversions are designed to carry the flow from the 20% annual exceedance probability (AEP) rain event (plus 300mm freeboard). Where possible the clean water diversions have been increased in size to convey the 5% AEP storm event, including a freeboard of 300mm. Calculations are provided in Table 2. Figure 4: Cross-section of a clean water diversion bund. Table 2: Clean water diversion calculations and sizing details. Perimeter Bunds (clean water diversion) Area 5% AEP rainfall depth (mm) Catchment Area (maximum) Peak Flow (m3/s) Base Width (m) Slope (minimum) Minimum Design Flow Depth (mm) Including Minimum 300mm Freeboard