Supporting Technical Assessments

9 | P a g e Class 1 Storage Location Assessment_Oceana Gold NZ Ltd Wharekirauponga Underground Mine ‘Figure 5 – Overview of magazine facility position in relation to surface connections’. Site P0 – Willows Road Farm Portal (Latitude - 37°21'9.75"S, Longitude - 175°51'33.97"E) The main access portal to the WUG Mine consists of a large horizontal decline that is used as the main entry and exit to the underground mine. The portal is located within OGNZL owned land. OGNZL personnel working in the immediate area will be managed by way of an Emergency Response Plan (ERP). All controlled zones at this location are less than one metre in diameter from edge of portal, therefore will have no impact on any site infrastructure. Site P1 – Willows Road Farm Fresh Air Intake (Latitude - 37°20'50.05"S, Longitude - 175°50'48.18"E) The fresh air intake is located within OGNZL owned land. OGNZL personnel working in the immediate area, will be managed by way of an Emergency Response Plan (ERP). All controlled zones at this location are less than one metre in diameter from the edge of the shaft, therefore will have no impact on any site infrastructure. Figure 6 shows the location of the proposed surface connections ‘P0’ and ‘P1’. The surface controlled zones at these two locations are less than one metre in diameter from the edge of the shaft and are therefore not visible at this scale. Proposed Underground Storage Facility Surface Portals/ Ventilation shafts which require consideration for controlled zones in the event of unintended detonation. P2 - WUG FAR #1 – 5.5 m Ø P3 - WUG RAR #2 – 5.5 m Ø P4 - WUG Fresh Air Intake – 5.5 m Ø P1 - Willows Road Farm, Fresh Air Intake – 5.5 m Ø P0 - Willows Road Farm, Portal – 5.5 m high x 5.0 m wide