Supporting Technical Assessments

Figure 3: Cross-section of the perimeter and uphill diversion drain from approximate chainage 820 (Source: Engineering Geology Limited). Once constructed and stabilised the upper section of the permanent uphill clean water diversion will be made live, but the clean water will discharge back to the existing stream channel at approximate chainage 650. From here, the lower section will be constructed from the base, working up towards CH 650. SRP-NRS-08 will be built at the base of the permanent uphill clean water diversion to collect runoff during the construction of the lower section. Perimeter bunds and temporary clean water pipes will be installed where required. Once the permanent diversion and perimeter access road are constructed and stabilised, the SRP will be decommissioned and the works to tie in the upper and lower section of the diversion will be completed. With the existing stream flowing through the new permanent uphill clean water diversion, the final section of the perimeter access road will be constructed across the gully that was formally the stream channel. A stabilised dam can be installed below the extent of earthworks. Any dirty water runoff will be pumped to the Collection Pond for treatment. 2.3. Stage 3 Refer to ESCP-NRS-003-01 With the Collection Pond commissioned and the perimeter access road and permanent uphill clean water diversion completed and stabilised, the full NRS extent will be utilised and set up ready to receive PAF material. All runoff from the NRS footprint is directed to the Collection Pond. 2.4. Rehabilitation Rehabilitation of the NRS includes: - Use of rehab stockpiles to create suitable contour across the site including rehabilitation of the workshop platform and magazine platform. - Converting the Collection Pond into a wetland. - NRS closure profile to max crest RL of 148 m. The uphill diversion drains and perimeter access road are proposed to remain.