Supporting Technical Assessments

The construction methodology is described in the Engineers Report: The ESC measures are shown on: • ESCP-NRS-001-01 • ESCP-NRS-001-02 • ESCP-NRS-001-03 • ESCP-NRS-002-01 • ESCP-NRS-002-02 • ESCP-NRS-002-03 • ESCP-NRS-003-01 Updated detailed ESC drawings will be prepared prior to these works being established. 2.1. Stage 1 Refer to ESCP-NRS-001-01, ESCP-NRS-001-02, and ESCP-NRS-001-03 Stage 1 will involve initial preparatory activities (e.g. clearing of vegetation and topsoil stripping), construction of the erosion and sediment control measures, establishment of the northern stockpiles, formation of a new workshop platform and the construction of the Collection Pond. The two stockpiles are proposed to be established along the northern extent of the site, adjacent Golden Valley Road covering a total footprint of 3.2ha. Three SRPs will be established to capture runoff from these stockpiles. Perimeter bunds will be constructed around the footprint of the stockpiles to divert runoff to the SRPs. As the stockpiles are filled to capacity they will be seeded and grassed. The current workshop will need to be relocated to a new platform shown on ESCP-NRS-001-02. A rehab stockpile will also be placed to the north of the proposed workshop platform. The total footprint is approximately 1.1ha. The platform partially includes filling within the floodplain and the SRP will also be located within the floodplain. As such, the outlet pipe for SRP-NRS-04 will need to be fitted with a flood gate to ensure one-way flow of water from the pond (detail shown on Figure 2). Once the workshop platform is constructed it will be sheeted with aggregate to stabilise the area. During this stage of work all site runoff from the current NRS footprint will continue to flow to the existing collection ponds. A new Collection Pond is proposed to be constructed to the north-west of the NRS. The Collection Pond is designed to capture runoff from an area of 25ha and will provide capacity of up to 100,000m3. During construction of the Collection Pond a temporary SRP will be constructed below the footprint of the Collection Pond to capture and treat any runoff (overland flow and pumped flow). The 5ha SRP is partially located within the floodplain. As such, the outlet pipe for SRP-NRS-05 will also need to be fitted with a flood gate to ensure one-way flow of water from the pond (detail shown on Figure 3). Perimeter bunds will be formed around the footprint of the Collection Pond to direct any overland runoff to the SRP. Once the Collection Pond is commissioned, the SRP will be decommissioned and any runoff from the NRS can be directed to the Collection Pond.