Supporting Technical Assessments

This SSESCP has been prepared in accordance with Waikato Regional Council Technical Report No. 2009/02 Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines for Soil Disturbing Activities, January 2009 (TR2009/02). This SSESCP addresses the following earthwork activities: • Establishment of the erosion and sediment controls; • Clean water diversions and stream diversions; • General earthworks; and • Rehabilitation, landscaping and stabilisation. 2. DESCRIPTION OF WORKS The NRS is proposed to store a nominal capacity of 7.0Mm3 of rock and will involve establishment earthworks across a total area of approximately 35ha. A breakdown of the approximate earthworks areas are provided in Table 1. Table 1: Approximate earthworks footprint associated with the NRS. Area (ha) Northern Rock Stack footprint 25 Collection Pond 3 Northern stockpiles 3.2 Rehab stockpile and workshop area 1.1 Uphill diversion drain, perimeter drain and perimeter access road 2.6 Total 34.9 To facilitate the NRS the existing workshop, fuel bowser and grease storage facilities will need to be relocated approximately 160m to the southwest. Part of the proposed workshop area falls within a flood zone and may require some filling and flood protection. An indicative alignment for the perimeter drain, perimeter access road and northern permanent uphill clean water diversion drain / stream diversion is shown in blue in Figure 1. The northern permanent uphill clean water diversion drain collects clean water from upslope and upstream of the NRS and diverts all flows into the Ohinemuri River. Dirty water runoff will be collected from the NRS footprint and diverted to the Collection Pond via the perimeter drain which is then pumped to the Water Treatment Plant. The clean water and dirty water drains are separated by a 6m wide perimeter access road. A Collection Pond is proposed to be constructed to the northwest of the NRS. The Collection Pond will capture runoff from the NRS footprint and will have capacity of up to approximately 100,000m3. Two stockpiling areas are proposed to the north of the NRS, bordering Golden Valley Road. One stockpile will consist of 86,500m3 of non-acid forming material and a second stockpile of topsoil to service 84,000m3 of the same material. The total footprint for the two stockpiles is approximately 3.2ha. The material will be used for future rehabilitation of the NRS site.