Supporting Technical Assessments

1. OVERVIEW 1.1. Scope This Site Specific Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (SSESCP) relates to the activities associated with the establishment of the Northern Rock Stack (NRS). Overburden, including Non Acid Forming (NAF) and Potentially Acid Forming (PAF) rock surplus to requirements will be disposed of to the engineered landform referred to as the NRS. The NRS is located to the east of the existing Processing Plant and to the north of Tailings Storage Facility 2 (TSF2). The NRS is proposed to occupy an area of approximately 25ha. It is designed to a nominal elevation of RL 173 m to accommodate up to 7.0 million cubic meters of rock. Its footprint encompasses the existing northern stockpile, workshop, haul roads and farmland as shown in Figure 1. An unnamed stream currently bisects the proposed NRS footprint. This stream is a tributary of the Ohinemuri River and currently flows from southeast to northwest. This stream is proposed to be diverted around the northern perimeter of the proposed NRS. Farmland is the dominant land use on the northern side of the stream. This area will be used for stockpiling rehabilitation and topsoil material.