Supporting Technical Assessments

1. OVERVIEW 1.1. Scope This Site Specific Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (SSESCP) relates to the activities associated with the establishment of the Gladstone Open Pit (GOP). Additional components associated with this SSESCP include the Martha Underground Mine (MUG) and Wharekirauponga Underground Mine (WUG) portals, the Alternative Martha Underground Portal (also known as Gladstone Portal), a temporary stockpile (Southern Stockpile) and the installation and relocation of the Water Treatment Discharge pipes. These features are shown on Figure 1. The latest iteration of the GOP entails an open pit that would be converted to an in-pit tailings storage facility (TSF) following the completion of mining. The GOP will be situated over Gladstone Hill and part of Winner Hill. The pit will disturb an area of approximately 18.7ha and will be about 95m deep, 375m wide and 625m long. Figure 1: Gladstone Open Pit and Surface Infrastructure (source: OceanaGold). This SSESCP provides design erosion and sediment control (ESC) measures indicating how the site will manage runoff during these construction activities. This document should be read in conjunction with the Assessment of Environmental Effects prepared by Mitchell Daysh and specialist reports prepared by PSM and GHD including: