3 | P a g e Class 1 Storage Location Assessment_Oceana Gold NZ Ltd Wharekirauponga Underground Mine ‘Figure 1 – Aerial image indicating proposed WUG magazine facility’. 2. Introduction The current Waihi Gold mining operations have been in production for over 20 years within the township of Waihi, in the Eastern Waikato region of New Zealand. The Waihi Operation is owned by Oceana Gold New Zealand Ltd (OGNZL). Through the proposed Waihi North Project (WNP), OGNZL seeks to expand the existing operations and extend the project life to at least 2036. The WNP includes the ongoing mining of existing resources as well as the development of new resources. The Wharekirauponga Underground (WUG) mine is one of the new resources proposed to be developed. The WUG resource is located approximately 10km North of the township of Waihi. The resource lies beneath Department of Conservation (DOC) land within the WKP Minerals Mining Permit (60541) area. The mining process involves drill and blast operations utilising commercial class 1 explosives. The project has estimated the required quantity of explosives for use in mining operations. These quantities would be delivered to the site by a reputable commercial supplier and stored in a certified surface or underground storage facility prior to use in mining operations. The proposed class 1 underground storage facility will be subject to the same legislative requirements and operational management plans as Oceana Gold’s existing facilities that support Martha Underground mining operations. The storage facility would be controlled by qualified personnel. Upon initial commissioning and certification - the facility will be inspected and re-certified annually, with a ‘Location Compliance Certificate’ (LCC) issued. These certificates are issued by independent Compliance Certifiers who are authorised by WorkSafe New Zealand. The facility will be operated in compliance with the Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017 . Oceana Gold’s Waihi Gold mining operations have a demonstrated track record of safely managing stand-alone and fully compliant class 1 storage facilities. 2750m NORTH Proposed Underground Magazine Compound (Total capacity at 6,100 kg - NEQ) Areas shaded in blue indicate OGNZL land title WUG Mining Area Entrance to WUG Mine Yellow circles indicate surface connections from underground operations