Supporting Technical Assessments

Facilities Surface Area 290mm 5.5ha 2.587 1 3% 2.78 600 Willows Rock Stack 290mm 6ha 2.822 1 3% 3.10 750 Magazine Access Road and Topsoil Stockpile 290mm 3ha 1.411 0.5 3% 2.32 600 Magazine Storage Area 290mm 1.2 0.564 0.5 3% 0.86 500 Figure 5: Cross-section of a dirty water diversion. Figure 6: Design details of a dirty water diversion channel for up to 6ha. 3.3. Sediment Retention Ponds In addition to the Detention Pond and Collection Pond (designed by BECA and Golder) three TR2009/01 Sediment Retention Ponds (SRPs) will be used where catchment areas exceed 0.3ha and generally be limited to a maximum catchment area of 5ha. The initial design details for these SRPs have been provided in Appendix A. Updated design details will be provided if required and submitted to the Waikato Regional Council prior to the commencement of earthworks within each area.