Supporting Technical Assessments

stockpile. The access road will be progressively sheeted with aggregate. Batters formed above the road will be progressively hydroseeded / hydro mulched. 2.6. Utility Corridor Refer to ESCP-WR-004-01, ESCP-WR-004-02, and ESCP-WR-004-03, A utility corridor is proposed from the existing Baxter Road site to the Willows Road site to provide services such as power, water (such as mine water from the collection pond to the Water Treatment Plant) and fibre optics. The route from the existing site crosses existing farmland, before progressing along State Highway 25, then turning into Willows Road to the Surface Facilities Area. Two stream crossings across the Ohinemuri River will be required. The route is approximately 4568m long. The final design details and alignment will be confirmed prior to commencement of works. Erosion and sediment control will be managed throughout the utility installation works in general accordance with the following methodology: 1. Determine alignment and extent of trench. Trenches should be limited to 100-200m in length per team at a time to ensure the works are appropriately managed. 2. Determine location of sediment control measures which is likely to be decanting earth bunds or a water treatment tank (type to be confirmed based on volume of water to be managed (if any) at each section), or a combination of the two methods. These devices will likely be installed at each low point of the section of trench. 3. Spoil excavated from the trench will be stockpiled in tidy bunds on the high side of the trench. Any dirty water runoff from the stockpiled trench spoil will then flow into the trench. 4. Lay services. 5. Any water contained within the trench will be pumped to the water treatment tank for treatment prior to discharging to the receiving environment. 6. Backfill with material specified in design drawings and stabilise (e.g. with hay mulch or aggregate). 7. Excess spoil (or where stockpiling adjacent to trench is not available) will be transported to stockpiling areas at Willows Road and/or Baxter Road . 8. Small open pits (approx. 2m by 2m) maybe required to be left open for connections and/or welding. 9. Repeat Steps 1 – 8 for next section of trench. Site specific erosion and sediment control plans will be prepared for these works prior to construction commencing in a given stage. 3. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS The erosion and sediment control methodology has been designed in accordance with best practice and the principles outlined in TR2009/02. Specific erosion and sediment control calculations and drawings can be found within the appendices. Appendix A – Erosion and sediment control calculations and typical details. Appendix B – Erosion and sediment control drawings: