Supporting Technical Assessments

2. DESCRIPTION OF WORKS Earthworks are anticipated to be required over an area of 18ha (excluding mining activities). The expected areas are provided in Table 1. Table 1: Earthwork areas. ID Area (ha) Surface Facilities Area (including ponds) 5 Magazine Storage Area 1.1 Magazine Access Road 0.6 Topsoil Stockpile 2-3 Mine Access Roads 0.6 Willows Rock Stack 6.0 Utility Corridor 2.2 Total 18.5 Approximately 850,000m3 of rock (mineralised and non-mineralised) will be generated during the development of the Wharekirauponga Underground Tunnel networks and hauled by truck for temporary storage in the Willows Rock Stack. The Willows Rock Stack is designed to take circa 876,000m3 to account of the planned tunnel spoil. The surface facilities area and utility corridor has been designed by BECA, while the willows rock stack, mine access road and rock stack collection pond have been designed by Golder with input from GHD. The key phases of earthworks relating to the erosion and sediment control include: - Earthworks associated with the utility corridor. - Construction of the Collection Pond and Detention Pond. Note, the Collection and Detention Ponds are separate structures to the temporary sediment retention ponds (SRPs) proposed as part of this SSESCP. - Topsoil removal and the establishment of topsoil stockpiles. - Establishment of the Willows Rock Stack. - Contouring the Surface Facilities Area, carparks, and poly farm. - Construction of access roads. - Contouring the Magazine Storage Area. - Final rehabilitation of the site. The ESC measures are shown on the ESC drawings which are provided in Appendix B. Updated detailed ESC drawings will be prepared prior to these works commencing.