Supporting Technical Assessments

1. OVERVIEW 1.1. Scope This Site Specific Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (SSESCP) relates to the activities associated with the establishment of the Willows Road site, including, the Willows Portal to the Wharekirauponga Underground Mine, Willows Rock Stack, Magazine Storage Area, Topsoil Stockpile, Surface Facilities Area, associated access roads. These features are shown on Figure 1. Service installations from the existing mine site (Baxter Road) to Willows Road via State Highway (SH) 25 are also included within this SSESCP. The utility corridor and alignment are shown on Figure 2. The total footprint for the works within the Willows Road site is approximately 18.5 hectares. Figure 1: Willows Road Surface Facilities Area General Arrangements (Source: BECA).