Supporting Technical Assessments

Erosion and Sediment Control Monitoring Plan Rev. 0 This is an uncontrolled copy if photocopied or printed from the Intranet. Copyright © 2016. All rights reserved. Page 8 of 10 • A checklist record will be made of each device inspected and its conditions, noting any maintenance requirements and timeframes of that to be undertaken. Maintenance will be based on ensuring compliance with TR09/02 requirements. • Ensuring all sediment retention devices are cleaned out before they reach 20% full of sediment. • Completion of maintenance actions as soon as possible, and typically within 24 hours for standard issues and 8 hours for urgent issues. • Emphasis on maintenance necessary prior to forecast rain. • Sign-off of all completed maintenance and reporting to the Environmental Manager. 5.2. Incident Responses If one of the following occurs: i. A failure of an erosion and/or sediment control (e.g. perimeter control, SRP or DEB) that results in visible discharge of sediment to a stream. ii. Slumping / mass movement or erosion associated with the works, but which is outside the catchment of a sediment control device or has resulted in a device being over-topped by sediment, where that sediment has discharged to a stream. The responses will be: • Inform WRC. • Remedy the failure or event to prevent further uncontrolled discharges. • Determine if the discharge is an isolated case or is likely to be repeated; and • Investigate and implement modifications. Modifications could include: o Make alterations to erosion and sediment control measures and methodologies; o Consider additional ESC; o Refinement of chemical treatment systems; o Progressive stabilisation in sub catchments; o Increase maintenance of controls; and o Amendments to methodologies and sequencing of works and refinement of controls necessary. 5.3. Threshold / Target Exceedance Responses If one or more of the water quality targets or thresholds detailed in Section 4.2 are not met the following management responses will occur. • Within 24hrs of a threshold exceedance, a full audit of the condition of the control device and its contributing catchment will be carried out and recorded in writing. • Remedy and record any obvious causes on site that may have contributed to a threshold exceedance as soon as practicable. • Identify any additional reasons for the exceedance and opportunities to modify the management of the site to improve overall efficiency which may include: o Consider additional ESC; o Refinement of chemical treatment systems; and o Increase maintenance of controls.