Supporting Technical Assessments

Erosion and Sediment Control Monitoring Plan Rev. 0 This is an uncontrolled copy if photocopied or printed from the Intranet. Copyright © 2016. All rights reserved. Page 7 of 10 The purpose of these inspections is to confirm the performance of devices under the stress of heavy rainfall and obtain a spot check efficiency of the device. • Post-rain event: Following all rainfall events including rainfall trigger events, inspections will be made of all ESC measures to ensure that all controls have performed as expected and to identify any maintenance requirements. Any remedial works will be documented during these monitoring inspections and immediately addressed where practical. 4.1.2. External (Regional Council) Site Inspections The Environmental Manager or Project Manager will accompany the WRC inspector in all programmed WRC audits. All ESC maintenance actions identified by the Council inspector will be recorded and issued to the Project Manager for actioning, based on WRC instruction. The Project Manager will report back the completion of those actions to the Environmental Manager will inspect the works and confirm that those actions have been completed. Confirmation will be emailed to the WRC inspector. 4.2. Water Quality Monitoring Water quality monitoring will be undertaken during rainfall trigger event (>25mm of rain within a 24hour period) site walkovers to provide a snapshot of the ESC performance. Water quality will be monitored by: • Turbidity (measured at the inflow and outflow points) • Clarity (measured at the outlet end of the SRP) • pH (measured at the inflow and outflow of each chemically treated device) The following water quality targets apply to the site’s ESCs and will be measured during/after each rainfall trigger event (>25mm in a 24 hours period): • An average sediment retention pond efficiency of 90% • Discharge turbidity of 110 NTU (based on the existing relationship of 100g/m3 TSS = 110 NTU) • Clarity of 100mm • pH between 6.0 and 9.0 The SRP efficiency and discharge turbidity will be monitoring by manual turbidity monitoring, undertaken using a handheld device / water quality field instrument. Turbidity will be measured at both the inflow and outflow of discharging SRPs. A treatment efficiency target benchmark for the SRPs will be set at an average 90% efficiency. If one or more of the targets/thresholds identified are breached, then the management actions identified within Section 5.3 will be implemented. 5. MANAGEMENT RESPONSES 5.1. Regular Monitoring Responses The key to successful implementation of ESC measures and minimising sediment yield will be through the daily and weekly visual monitoring of the site and maintenance of controls. This monitoring will be undertaken by the Site Foreman. The responses to that monitoring will be as follows.