Supporting Technical Assessments

Erosion and Sediment Control Monitoring Plan Rev. 0 This is an uncontrolled copy if photocopied or printed from the Intranet. Copyright © 2016. All rights reserved. Page 6 of 10 4.1. Site Inspections 4.1.1. Internal Site Inspections Routine inspections are undertaken during and post instalment of ESC devices. During construction, certain stages are identified for inspection, such as during the installation of anti-seep collars, level spreaders, and T-bars. Post construction monitoring is undertaken once a sediment retention pond (SRP) or decanting earth bund (DEB) is operational, and the rainfall activated chemical treatment system is operational for the first time. Monitoring will take place as soon as practicable following the first rainfall event that generates runoff to the ESC device. This is to assess the performance of the device and chemical treatment system and the resulting quality of treated water being discharged from the site. The site will be inspected weekly as a minimum by the Environmental Manager (or nominated person) and / or ESC Technical Specialist during the course of the works. These inspections will ensure that all ESC devices are installed correctly and then operate effectively throughout the duration of the works. This inspection programme will provide certainty to all parties that appropriate measures are being undertaken to ensure compliance with conditions of consent and the certified SSESCPs. The inspection regime will keep ESC management at the forefront of works on site. Any potential problems will be identified immediately, and remedial works will be promptly carried out. The inspection programme shall consist of: • Weekly site walkovers involving the environmental team to inspect all ESC measures, identify any maintenance or corrective actions necessary, assign timeframes for completion, and identify any devices that are not performing as anticipated through the certified SSESCP. Any maintenance actions will be undertaken that day where practical. Actions will be recorded and issued to the Environmental Manager with specific actions required and closeout timeframes. Once completed, the Environmental Manager will inspect the works and close-out the item. • Pre-rain event: Prior to all forecast rainfall events, checks will be made of ESC devices, including chemical treatment systems, to ensure that they are fully functioning in preparation for the forecast event. These will be undertaken by the Project Engineers, Site Supervisors or Environmental Team. • Pre-rain event with forecast >25mm over 24 hours: These inspections are additional to the ‘business as usual’ pre-rain inspections. They must be undertaken by the Environmental Manager or nominated and sufficiently experienced person. • Prior to forecast rainfall “trigger” events, specific site inspections will be undertaken, targeted at any additional ESC measures that are required to be installed to ensure that the sites ESC management system performs effectively during an expected larger event. • Rainfall Trigger Inspections: During or immediately after a rainfall trigger event of >25mm rainfall over any 24-hour period (subject to health and safety restrictions) inspections will be made of all SRPs and DEBs and the following actions taken: o Manual turbidity and pH testing of the inlet and outlet flows undertaken along with a general inspection of the sediment control devices. o Clarity of the water within the device adjacent to the decant outlet will be measured using either a clarity tube or black disc indicator. o The rainfall trigger alerts will be monitored by the Environmental Manager. o Any issues identified will be remedied as soon as practicable, and remedial measures will be recorded.