Supporting Technical Assessments

Erosion and Sediment Control Monitoring Plan Rev. 0 This is an uncontrolled copy if photocopied or printed from the Intranet. Copyright © 2016. All rights reserved. Page 5 of 10 • Hold points for construction will be established for each control whereby the Environmental Manager (or ESC Technical Specialist) will inspect the work completed, for example the installation of anti-seep collars or the installation of the primary outlet. • Each control will be ‘as built’ certified by the Environmental Manager (or ESC Technical Specialist) to confirm compliance with the certified SSESCP prior to bulk earthworks commencing in the catchment of the device(s). • Copies of the 'as-built' certifications will be submitted to WRC. 3. WEATHER MONITORING 3.1. Rain Forecast Rain forecasts relevant to the site will be checked daily using the MetService / MetVuw online / NIWA forecasting systems. Close monitoring of the rain forecast will be necessary to ensure the appropriate site works can be implemented prior to rainfall trigger events. During working days, daily weather forecast checks will be forwarded to all Project Engineers and recorded in the daily prestart job sheets. If the forecasts show more than 25mm of rainfall over a 24-hour period, then this will trigger the prerain event inspections (rain event with forecast >25mm over 24 hours), refer to Section 4.1 for further details. The purpose of these inspections is to check that the ESC devices and controls are set-up and ready for the rain event. This is in addition to the routine pre-rain event inspections undertaken by Project Engineers. 3.2. Rain Gauges Rainfall will be recorded at the existing weather station located near the Martha Pit. The Environmental Manager will monitor rainfall recorded at that site. Rainfall trigger responses will be based on recorded events at that location, which is sufficient close to the various earthworks packages to be undertaken during the Project. 4. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MONITORING The Environmental Manager or nominated environmental staff will conduct routine inspections of the sites. These inspections will take place with adequate time allocated and will be thorough and systematic. Members of the project construction team including the Project Engineer, will accompany the Environmental Manager or ESC Technical Specialist on these inspections so that the Environmental Manager or ESC Technical Specialist can better understand the work occurring at that time and that programmed to take place. It is also useful for the Project Engineers to be reminded of their ESC obligations and for both parties to recognise good performance and outcomes, and where performance has not been to the standard expected or required by consents. This is particularly relevant in identifying how communication between personnel can be improved to avoid a recurrence of an issue. Communication is critical to the successful implementation of SSESCPs. Internal inspections will cover all areas of the Project, even those that may have been dormant for some time, to ensure that the erosion and sediment controls are still operating properly. These internal inspections will be captured in writing and will include actions and timeframes for close out.