Supporting Technical Assessments

Erosion and Sediment Control Monitoring Plan Rev. 0 This is an uncontrolled copy if photocopied or printed from the Intranet. Copyright © 2016. All rights reserved. Page 4 of 10 1. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Erosion and Sediment Control Monitoring Plan (ESCMP) is to detail the erosion and sediment control (ESC) management and monitoring system that will be implemented for the duration of the site preparatory earthworks activities associated with the OceanaGold Waihi North Project (the Project). The ESCMP includes details of process and procedures that will be followed and confirms how the ESC management and monitoring will be undertaken and the methods used in the context of the Project to ensure that effects and performances are managed appropriately. This monitoring plan has been written to detail how OceanaGold proposes to manage and monitor ESC measures during construction, to ensure the performance of the Project ESC and to provide rapid and real time information and control to the Project management team. The ongoing monitoring and reporting that is proposed in this plan creates a continuous feedback loop of the performance of the Project ESC site and device management. This plan provides the approaches to be followed regarding ESC maintenance, monitoring, and reporting. The ESCMP covers: • Site management structures, practices, and procedures • Weather Monitoring • Erosion and Sediment Control Monitoring o Scheduled site visits, pre and post rain event monitoring and water sampling. o Rainfall event triggered manual turbidity, clarity, and pH monitoring. • Reporting o Rainfall trigger event reporting following a rainfall trigger event. o Recommendations of changes that need to be implemented onsite and modifications to any ESC will also be included. Chemical treatment will be monitored in accordance with the Project’s Chemical Treatment Management Plan (Appendix A to the Project Erosion and Sediment Control Assessment Report (ESCAR)). 2. SITE SPECIFIC EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL IMPLEMENTATION The construction of all erosion and sediment controls will be managed as follows: • An ESC Technical Specialist will prepare the Site-Specific Erosion and Sediment Control Plans (SSESCPs) in conjunction with the relevant construction Project Engineer and the Environmental Manager. • Each SSESCP will be approved by the Environmental Manager and then submitted to Waikato Regional Council (WRC) for certification against TR09/02. • Once certified, the Environmental Manager will issue the certified SSESCP to the Project Manager (staff member) responsible for the implementation. • A pre-construction meeting will be held by the Environmental Manager where the erosion and sediment controls to be built will be discussed and specific direction given on construction. • The location of the controls and requirements of the relevant SSESCP will be confirmed on site with the construction team and the Environmental Manager. • The construction of the controls will be overseen by the Environmental Manager and / or the ESC Technical Specialist.