Supporting Technical Assessments

CART CART-01 Revision 0 Page | 2 management, maintenance, and reporting of the chemical treatment system to be implemented across the Project for the duration of earthworks phases. As the Project progresses, further bench testing will be undertaken as new areas are opened and earth worked. The overarching CTMP contains additional bench testing sheets as an appendix for future tests to be completed and supplied to Waikato Regional Council (WRC). It will also detail the specific set-up details for the chemical treatment of each sediment retention pond (SRP) to be implemented in an area i.e. roof tray and header tank outlet spacing. Site Specific Erosion and Sediment Control Plans (SSESCPs) have been prepared for each earthworks area and or phase within the Project. The SSESCPs will be updated to provide the design details for all erosion and sediment control measure to be implemented within that area. Figure 1: Chemical treatment management systems. 2 Methodology The bench testing methodology provided in Appendix F1 of GD05 has been adopted. This methodology will be repeated for all future bench testing required in response to identified new soils, or where treatment performance is less than anticipated. Testing of each sample involved the application of five dose rates (2mg/l to 10mg/l Al) and comparison to a control. Results are reported in the following tables. 2.1 Soil Samples Engineering Geology Limited (EGL) supplied soil samples from the footprint of Tailings Storage Facility 3 (TSF3) and the Northern Rock Stack (NRS). TSF3 – Drill Holes AP21a and AP22a (Refer Appendix A for locations). Depth ranging from 0 - 9m.