Supporting Technical Assessments

CTMP Revision 0 3. If possible, the water and spilt chemical should be pumped into a bund or sediment control device until all the spilt chemical has been removed from the watercourse. 4. If the chemical cannot be removed from the watercourse any downstream users should be identified and advised. 6.7 Chain of Responsibility for Monitoring and Maintenance The Environmental Manager and the Environmental Technical Specialist will have overall responsibility for the chemical treatment systems. The ESC Foreman and ESC Labourer(s) will check the effect of PAC and Superfloc dosing on the pH of the treated water once the pond has filled for the first time and monitor pH and overall performance throughout the duration of works. 6.8 Training of Person Responsible for Maintenance and Monitoring If a person with experience in the monitoring and maintenance of the chemical treatment system is not available, the Environmental Manager will train a person nominated by the Project team to carry out the routine monitoring and maintenance of the chemical treatment system, and to keep the required records. 6.9 Procedure Modification It is expected that as the Project progresses, performance checks of the chemical treatment systems may be required due to changing soil types etc. This will be undertaken following additional sampling and testing and approval from the Environmental Manager.