Supporting Technical Assessments

CTMP Revision 0 Figure 1: Implementation of the chemical treatment system. 4 Chemical Treatment Dosing System Two dosing systems can be used. The most common and cost-effective is a rainfall activated system where dosing is initiated by rainfall received at the dosing site. The alternative option is a flow activated system, which activates by the flow rate entering the sediment control device. That type of system may be appropriate for areas where sediment laden water is pumped or piped from the excavation site to the treatment device. 4.1 Rainfall Activated Dosing System The rainfall activated dosing system has been developed specifically for earthworks sites. The system described below uses a rainfall catchment tray to capture rainfall with the size of the tray being determined by the required chemical dose and the land catchment size. It is the most widely used system and is robust and simple to operate. It does not require a power source.