14 | P a g e Class 1 Location Assessment Willows Road - Surface Magazine, WUG - Waihi North Project . Propagation – In relation to ‘inter-magazine’ propagation; in the instance a singular magazine may detonate, the neighbouring magazine would also then detonate due to close proximity to each other. Sensitiser – Substance added to class 5 E.P to form class 1 bulk explosive. T.A.R.P - Trigger Action Response Plan, Defines the minimum set of actions required by workers in response to a deviation from normal working conditions, such as an accident or incident. TNT Equivalence – A normalisation technique where a standardised unit of measurement is used in predicting overpressures for class 1 storage facilities. The majority of overpressure and impulse equations predict against the effects of TNT, and it is therefore desirable to convert the explosive mass into equivalent TNT charge mass. Vulnerable Facility – Sensitive building of high construction made from specific materials, or specific buildings associated with aged care facilities, hospitals, education facilities. Additionally – public buildings/ structures of historic nature or public utilities whose service could be disrupted by a blast of 5 kPa. REFERENCE A – Legislative Framework within New Zealand i. Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 ii. Health and Safety at Work Act (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017 iii. Health and Safety at Work General Risk and Workplace Management Regulations 2016 REFERENCE B – Supporting Standards and Guidance i. IATG 01.80 – ‘International Ammunition Technical Guideline - Formulae for Ammunition Management’ (Feb 2015). ii. IATG 02.20 - ‘International Ammunition Technical Guideline - Quantity and Separation Distances’ (Feb 2015). iii. AS 2187.1 – 1998, Explosives – Storage, Transport and Use, Part 1: Storage. REFERENCE C – Formulae and Scaling Law for Controlled Zone Calculations i. Charles N Kingery and Gerald Bulmash. Airblast Parameters from TNT Spherical Air Burst and Hemispherical Surface Burst, US Technical Report ARBRL-TR-02555. Ballistics Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, USA. April 1984. ii. 6 Hopkinson B, UK Ordnance Board Minutes 13565, 1915. 7 Cranz C, Lehrbuch der Ballistik, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1916.