Supporting Technical Assessments

CTMP Revision 0 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose and Scope This Chemical Treatment Management Plan (CTMP) applies to the earthwork’s operations associated with the construction phase of Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited’s Waihi North Project (the Project). The CTMP sets out the methodology for determining the effectiveness and dosing rates for chemical treatment to enhance the sediment retention efficiency of the sediment retention ponds (SRPs) and decanting earth bunds (DEBs), that will be used throughout the Project. The CTMP shall be implemented for the duration of the earthwork operations associated with the construction of the Project. It will support the overall erosion and sediment control (ESC) principles and methods described in the Erosion and Sediment Control Assessment Report (ESCAR) and will inform the development of Site-Specific Erosion and Sediment Control Plans (SSESCPs). 1.2 Implementation and Operation Table 1 details the roles and responsibilities that will apply to the implementation and management of the chemical treatment systems across the Project. Table 1: CTMP - roles and responsibilities Name Role Contact details Responsibility Project Construction Manager Overall project responsibility Civil Construction Manager Includes responsibility for earthworks Earthworks Manager Construction Environmental Manager Overall responsibility for Environmental Management and Performance Zac Woods Erosion and Sediment Control Technical Specialist [email protected] 021 597 799 Suitable qualified and experienced erosion and sediment control specialist who prepares the erosion and sediment control plans and audits their implementation 2 Methodology In accordance with industry best practice, it is proposed to chemically dose the SRPs and DEBs, where necessary, to maximise sediment retention efficiency and ensure the quality of water discharging from the device is within the range anticipated in the assessment of effects for the Project (refer to Erosion and Sediment Control Assessment Report). Soil sampling and bench testing (laboratory testing of chemical responses), and the management of the chemical treatment systems will be undertaken in accordance with Appendix F1 and Section F2.0 of Auckland Council Guideline 2016/005 Erosion and Sediment Control Guideline for Land Disturbing