Supporting Technical Assessments

Erosion and Sediment Control Assessment Report Rev. 0 This is an uncontrolled copy if photocopied or printed from the Intranet. Copyright © 2016, SouthernSkies Environmental Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 27 of 30 required. For the reason noted in Section 8.2, the performance targets cannot be imposed as performance standards because the compliant sediment retention devices do not function in a way that can comply with an absolute standard. Rather, they are anticipated to achieve average levels of sediment retention efficiency. 10. CONCLUSION The Waihi North Project earthworks have the potential to result in changes to water quality during the construction phase as a result of the discharge of sediment from earthworks during both rain events and streamworks. As part of the Project earthworks activities, the ESCs will be implemented to minimise sediment-related effects to an acceptable level. To ensure that final construction management input is provided for and to also allow for flexibility with the specific ESC implementation on site, final SSESCPs will also be provided prior to earthworks commencing in a given works area. The final SSESCPs will confirm the detailed design, specific ESC locations, and the staging and sequencing of works for that location or activity and will provide a staged approach to the works within a site and across the Project. The implementation of SSESCPs will enable the construction team to have ongoing input into the ESC design prior to and during construction, subject to compliance with the design and implementation standards specified in this report. The Project will utilise best-practice ESC measures that meet or exceed the outcomes anticipated by the TR2009/02 guideline. Various stages of the most significant sites are estimated to result in small increases in sediment load within the respective catchments, but then result in a reduction in sediment load once the establishment works are completed and PAF is being exposed and handled within NRS and TSF3. The other works sites will be similarly managed to avoid or minimise sediment discharges. An ESC management structure and monitoring plan will be adopted to ensure that the ESC measures are designed, constructed, maintained, and decommissioned in accordance with best practice and as anticipated by this ESCAR. Overall, it is anticipated that the proposed ESC management approach will ensure that the sediment yield from the works will be minimised to an acceptable level and that any adverse sediment-related effects will be temporary and minor, and consistent with the NPS:FM and the relevant WRP provisions.