13 | P a g e Class 1 Location Assessment Willows Road - Surface Magazine, WUG - Waihi North Project . TERMS AND DEFINITIONS Area of high intensity land use - In relation to an area beyond the boundary of a place where a hazardous substance location is situated, includes an area of regular habitation , any other hazardous substance location, and a high-density traffic route AS 2187.1 – Australian Standard 2187.1-1998, Explosives – Storage, Transport and Use – Storage’. A.N – Ammonium Nitrate (class 5). Used in manufacture of bulk commercial explosives. Certified Handler – Person authorised by Worksafe NZ to handle explosives. Compliance Certifier – Independent person authorised by Worksafe NZ to certify, among other items hazardous substance locations and storage containers to ensure compliance with the New Zealand Regulatory Framework. Compliance Certificate (Location) – A certificate issued under HSW (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017 to allow storage of specific hazardous substances at a location. Controlled Zone – An area abutting a hazardous substance location that is regulated in order to protect both site personnel and members of the public, in addition to infrastructure. E.P – Emulsion Phase. Emulsion solution made from ammonium nitrate (A.N) used as a base for commercial bulk explosives. E.R.P – Emergency Response Plan. A set of written procedures for dealing with emergencies that minimize the impact of the event. E.S – Exposed Site. Relates to infrastructure at distance from the proposed storage location. HSW (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017 – Primary governing regulations for hazardous substances use. ‘ HSW’ meaning ‘ Health and Safety at Work . H.E – High Explosives. Relates to commercial explosive products such as cast boosters, detonating cord, and packaged emulsions. While sometimes referred to as a ‘blasting agent’, ANFO is also included within the storage classification and for the purpose of this report will be referenced as H.E and may be stored together with all other H.E. I.E – Initiating Explosives. Relates to products such as detonators used for initiation of ‘secondary’ type explosive substances. I.M.D – Inter-Magazine Distance. Describes the distance between individual magazine units storing class 1 explosives. Minimum threshold distances are required in order to mitigate risk of ‘inter magazine propagation’, (Distance may be reduced with addition of appropriate mounding). Magazine – Storage container used for securing for class 1 explosives. Generally, of steel construction and built to a specific standard that requires certification. Mounding – Often referred to as ‘Bunding’, and is used for protection of PES or ES by way of positioning a barrier at an appropriate location. See ‘ AS 2187.1, Appendix B ‘for detail. N.E.Q – Net Explosive Quantity. Used to evaluate the total net explosive quantity (kg) excluding packaging. Offsets – A known separation distance required by regulations in order to comply – usually referring to the distance between a hazardous substance to people, places, infrastructure or specific features. Overpressure – Relates to higher than standard atmospheric pressure relating to the effects on personnel and or buildings/ infrastructure. Measured in ‘kilopascals’ (kPa). P.E.S – Potential Explosion Site. Relates to magazine locations. P.C.B.U – Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking.