Supporting Technical Assessments

Erosion and Sediment Control Assessment Report Rev. 0 This is an uncontrolled copy if photocopied or printed from the Intranet. Copyright © 2016, SouthernSkies Environmental Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 20 of 30 i. the specific construction activity to be undertaken; ii. the area and volume of earthworks, and/or the nature of the stream works at specific locations, and identification of the downstream receiving environment; iii. the locations of all earthworks and/or stream works; iv. methods for managing construction water effects for specific activities; v. the duration of the earthworks and/or stream works; vi. the time of the year that the stream works are to be undertaken, and where applicable, the measures to be implemented to respond to any heightened weather risks at that time; vii. stabilisation methods and timing to reduce the open area at key locations to assist with a reduction in sediment generation; and viii. chemical treatment (flocculation) at SRPs and DEBs. SSESCPs are provided as Appendix C. Each SSESCP will be finalised and submitted to WRC for certification prior to any earthworks occurring. Any deviation from TR2009/02 will be explained in the corresponding SSESCP. 7.2. Pre-construction Site Meeting Pre-construction site meeting will be held between Project personnel (Environmental Manager and / or ESC Specialist, Project Manager, Contractor) and WRC staff before works commence at any site or re-commence in each earthworks season. 7.3. Construction of ESCs - Supervisions The construction of the controls will be overseen by the Project Manager and/or an ESC Specialist. Hold points for construction will be established for each control whereby the Project Manager (or ESC Specialist) will inspect the work completed, for example the installation of anti-seep collars or the installation of primary outlet. 7.4. As-built Certification As-built certification of devices is a critical element of effective site management. As-built checklists and/or drawings will be prepared for all controls to ensure that they have been installed as designed. Works within the catchment of an ESC device will not commence until the as-built document for the device (or devices) has been certified by a suitably experienced and qualified ESC practitioner. 7.5. Monitoring and Maintenance See Section 8 below. 7.6. Decommissioning Erosion and sediment controls will only be decommissioned when contributing catchment is stabilised. WRC will be informed prior to controls being removed. 8. MONITORING AND RESPONSES 8.1. ESC Monitoring Monitoring of the ESC measures and outcomes will be undertaken in accordance with the appended Erosion and Sediment Control Monitoring Plan (ESCMP) provided in Appendix B. It provides a programme and methodology to ensure that ESC measures have been designed, installed, and managed in accordance with the ESC management structure described above,