Supporting Technical Assessments

Erosion and Sediment Control Assessment Report Rev. 0 This is an uncontrolled copy if photocopied or printed from the Intranet. Copyright © 2016, SouthernSkies Environmental Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 16 of 30 including ESC Monitoring Plan and confirmation of the appropriate minimum ESC design standard. The ESCAR is developed in conjunction with other technical assessments and statutory provisions and informs the consenting process and the preparation of consent conditions. The consent conditions in conjunction with the relevant design standards inform the development of the SSESCPs. Figure 6: Erosion and sediment control design process. 6. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRINCIPLES 6.1. Design Standard The principles of the Waikato Regional Council Technical Report No. 2009/02 Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines for Soil Disturbing Activities, January 2009 (TR2009/02) have been adopted for the design, construction, maintenance, and decommissioning of ESC measures. As a result of the scale and nature of the works proposed, deviations from that standard will be required. The alternative approaches are detailed in the corresponding SSESCPs and will be designed to achieve the same or better outcome than a TR2009/02 compliant approach. 6.2. Construction Water Management Objectives and Principles Management of construction water will seek to achieve the following objectives: • Minimise the potential for sediment generation and sediment yield by maximising the effectiveness of ESC measures; and • Take all reasonable steps to avoid or minimise potential adverse effects on freshwater and marine environments within or beyond the Project works boundary, with particular regard to reducing opportunities for sediment generation and discharge. The following principles will apply and will be reflected in the SSESCPs prior to construction activities commencing: