Supporting Technical Assessments

Erosion and Sediment Control Assessment Report Rev. 0 This is an uncontrolled copy if photocopied or printed from the Intranet. Copyright © 2016, SouthernSkies Environmental Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 13 of 30 Gladstone Pit Two unnamed tributaries Ohinemuri River. Runoff will be treated by ESC measures that will discharge overland to two tributaries that discharge to the river approximately 400m from the site. The southern tributary contains the wetland. Northern Rock Stack TB1 Stream and Ohinemuri River. TB1 Stream to be diverted into new constructed channel and middle and lower reaches and tributaries to be reclaimed. ESC controls will treat runoff during construction. Other ESC ponds will discharge across land to the Ohinemuri River. Tailings Storage Facility 3 Unnamed tributaries and Ruahorehore Stream. Farm drains and some modified tributaries to be reclaimed. Runoff treated by ESC measures will discharge to tributaries and Ruahorehore Stream. 4. STATUTORY CONSIDERATIONS 4.1. Resource Management Act The Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) regulates the activities associated with the Project. Section 9 of the RMA governs land disturbance as a land use activity and Section 15 governs discharges of contaminants (including sediment) to land and water. The RMA is given effect to by National Environmental Standards, National Policy Statements and Regional and District Plans. Section 105 of the RMA requires applications for discharge permits to have regard to the nature of the discharge and sensitivity of the receiving environment to adverse effects, the reasons for the proposed discharge method selected and any potential alternative methods. The proposed ESC methodology takes account of the relevant matters listed in s105 of the RMA. Where practicable, OGNZL has sought to ensure that construction phase discharges discharge to land in the first instance to minimise the potential for sediment and/or contaminant to enter water. Where construction effects occur within a waterbody, best practice erosion and sediment control principles and procedures (as described in sections 5 and 6) will ensure that any downstream effects are temporary and minor. Consistent with the outcomes required by Section 107 of the RMA, the adoption of the proposed ESC methodology is anticipated to avoid, after reasonable mixing, all or any of the following effects in the receiving waters: • the production of any conspicuous oil or grease films, scums or foams, or floatable or suspended materials; • any conspicuous change in the colour or visual clarity; • any emission of objectionable odour; • the rendering of fresh water unsuitable for consumption by farm animals; or • any significant adverse effects on aquatic life.