Supporting Technical Assessments

Erosion and Sediment Control Assessment Report Rev. 0 This is an uncontrolled copy if photocopied or printed from the Intranet. Copyright © 2016, SouthernSkies Environmental Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 10 of 30 • Progressive establishment of a permanent upper catchment clean water diversion channel, with associated fills and stockpiles; • Establishment of erosion and sediment control measures, including temporary clean water diversions, sediment retention ponds and other devices; • Establishment of stockpile areas for the topsoil and initial overburden (non-acid forming material) adjacent to the TSF3 footprint; and • Ground improvements including excavation of paleo-gully deposits; • Formation of the permanent containment bund, access road, and permanent stormwater collection pond; and • Minor stream realignments of unnamed tributaries of the Ruahorehore Stream. Figure 5: TSF3 design and layout (Source: OGNZL). 2.6. Earthworks Summary Table 1 summarises the total earthworks areas anticipated for the Project. However, runoff from all PAF material will be directed to the permanent collection ponds and treated via the existing WTP. That runoff is not addressed in this report, but the SSESCPs do identify the staging of works and the extent of works that will be treated via sediment retention devices and the extent and timing of diversion of runoff to the WTP. Additional earthworks will be required for the WUG, but this is considered mining operations and runoff will be directed to the collection ponds and WTP for treatment. Minor excavations are required within the Coromandel Forest Park. Ecological suitability and geotechnical assessments will be undertaken to confirm suitability of the site for a vent shaft. Geotechnical investigations at each shaft site will require the clearance of approximately 12m by 12m of vegetation. Following the clearance, a temporary 10m by 10m drilling pad will be constructed.