Supporting Technical Assessments

11 | P a g e Class 1 Location Assessment Willows Road - Surface Magazine, WUG - Waihi North Project . ‘Figure 4 – Proposed class 1 storage facility layout’. Appropriate separation distances between H.E and I.E storage must be maintained in accordance with ‘Table of AS 2187.1’ . For the proposed storage of 10,000 detonators (10 kg NEQ of I.E), a minimum offset of 3.5 m (mounded) or 10 m un-mounded shall be maintained. 5. Conclusion and Summary The proposed location for the class 1 storage facility is considered compliant with the controlled zone offset requirements described in ’ r 9.27, HSW (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017’ . In respect of controlled zones and site personnel, this can be managed with the development of an effective emergency response plan for the storage area. The storage facility is positioned in a remote part of the site and is separated by an appropriate distance from proposed operational facilities and project infrastructure. Existing topography at the proposed location appears suitable for a class 1 storage facility. A moderate amount of earthworks will be required to establish the site including the mounding between magazine units. An existing farm track would be upgraded to access the facility. Two areas are identified where a controlled zone (2 kPa) crosses the boundary; to the north east, and to the south west. This controlled zone relates to ‘vulnerable facilities’ . At this point in time no such facilities exist at either location. It is understood the local government zoning does not currently permit the construction of such facilities at either location. Controlled zones (5 kPa or greater) that may have a potential impact on neighbouring properties, including residential dwellings, have been designed to remain within OGNZL land ensuring the site is fully compliant in that respect. Provided all other conditions of a ‘Location Compliance Certificate’ are assessed as satisfactory by an independent Compliance Certifier at the time of construction, the proposed class 1 storage location is considered appropriate in its positioning and proposed capacities. H.E Mag 6 NORTH 100 m I.E Mag H.E Mag 5 H.E Mag 1 H.E Mag 4 NOTE – black outline indicates approximate footprint to ensure appropriate fire-break remains in place. H.E Mag 2 H.E Mag 3 Access Road Example of appropriate mounding in place (as per AS 2187.1)