Supporting Technical Assessments

10 | P a g e Class 1 Location Assessment Willows Road - Surface Magazine, WUG - Waihi North Project . ‘Figure 3 – Class 1 storage facility with controlled zone areas’ Zone A in Figure 3 shows a typical ‘riparian reserve’. It does not have any affected structures or locations relevant to a 2 kPa controlled zone. Zone B represents a private land holding utilised for the purposes of low-density pastoral grazing. This does not have any affected structures or locations relevant to a 2 kPa controlled zone. 4.4. Proposed Magazine Facility Layout and Site Detail The proposed storage quantities for each individual magazine are designed to ensure controlled zone offsets comply and consider sufficient IMD (inclusive of mounding). Prior to construction of the class 1 storage facility, a Compliance Certifier will revisit the design to confirm the offset criteria are unchanged in relation to proposed magazine locations. This will confirm the final NEQ to be stored in each magazine. Adopting the mounded separation distances described in ‘ AS 2187.1, Table’ , a minimum ‘separation distance to other explosives storage (IMD)’ of 27 m shall be applied. Appropriate mounding must be in place between individual magazine units to mitigate risk of propagation. Mounding shall be undertaken in accordance with ‘ AS 2187.1 Appendix B’ to ensure IMD can be maintained and mitigate risk of propagation. Figure 4 shows the class 1 storage facility layout including the positioning of each individual H.E and I.E magazine and the calculated NEQ. These are also summarised below. • H.E Magazine 1 – 1,150 kg (NEQ) • H.E Magazine 2 – 1,150 kg (NEQ) • H.E Magazine 3 – 1,150 kg (NEQ) • H.E Magazine 4 – 1,300 kg (NEQ) • H.E Magazine 5 – 1,300 kg (NEQ) • H.E Magazine 6 – 1,300 kg (NEQ) • I.E Magazine – up to 10,000 detonators (10 kg NEQ) 290 m NORTH kP Area shaded in yellow (Zone A and Zone B) show 2 kPa controlled zone interaction with neighbouring properties. Latitude - 37°21'14.98"S Longitude - 175°51'28.32"E 13 kPa 9 kPa 5 kPa 2 kPa Zone B Zone A Access Road