Supporting Technical Assessments

9 Tonkin & Taylor Ltd Waihi North Project - Technical Review of Air Quality Assessments Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited 22 June 2022 Job No: 1017908.0000 Figure 1: Reproduction in-part of Figure 7-1 of the WUG Report identifying the location of the residences at 111 and 122 Willows Road. 3.6 Section 8: Proposed mitigation and monitoring Section 8 of the WUG report sets out additional mitigation and monitoring measures proposed to manage potential off-site dust effects. This is primarily focussed on continuous dust (TSP) monitoring and wind monitoring, with associated trigger values and actions. We consider this general approach to be appropriate and we agree with Beca that it should enable off-site dust nuisance effects to be managed to acceptable levels. 122 Willows Rd 111 Willows Rd