Supporting Technical Assessments

6 Tonkin & Taylor Ltd Waihi North Project - Technical Review of Air Quality Assessments Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited 22 June 2022 Job No: 1017908.0000 separation distance of 500 m is often applied to the Processing Plant (i.e., crushers and screens) associated with quarry and mining activities, due to concerns regarding RCS emissions. However, in this instance the nearest sensitive location is approximately 600 m from the plant and only infrequently downwind. Given these considerations, we agree with the conclusions reached by Beca regarding the effects of particulate emissions from the Processing Plant. 2.6 Section 8: Proposed mitigation measures Section 8 of the Waihi Facilities Report outlines additional mitigation measures (over and above the standard measures described earlier in the report. The additional measures relate to the use of realtime continuous dust and wind monitoring, with associated management responses should trigger levels be reached. Overall, we consider the approach of additional wind and continuous dust (TSP) monitoring to be an appropriate additional mitigation approach. However, we consider the approach should be extended to include monitoring at or near the receptors associated with the TSF3 as outlined above. 2.7 Section 9: Conclusion Section 9 of the Waihi Facilities Report concludes that the “discharges to air from the Waihi Surface Facilities will be adequately avoided and mitigated and the risk that these discharges will result in noxious, dangerous, offensive or objectionable effects is considered to be low.” On balance we agree with Beca regarding this conclusion in so far as to the discharges of dust and fine particulate discharges.